Foodshed Farm
Website: www.arkansasfood.net
This grower has a photo album.
Foodshed Farm is an animal and solar powered farm based in Grady, Arkansas just a few miles from the Arkansas River. Additionally, Foodshed Farm is the founder and coordinator of the All Arkansas Basket A Month CSA program, which is headquartered in the old Grady High School, along with our new Organic Grain Mill and Bakery.
Our farm is striving to be a model, sustainable farm in the Arkansas delta region. Currently we are raising pigs using a exciting grass based organic method that is working great. The pigs will be ready to sell in late winter or early spring. Another specialty product at Foodshed is our grass fed and finished Beefalo. Finally, our much awaited organic bakery is moving ahead at the old Grady High School, where we are also building a local food warehouse and facilities for the Basket A Month CSA program. We helped found the Certified Arkansas Farmer’s Market (on the ground and online) and are most grateful to all those who have supported our efforts of the last four years. More about our food and farm is location on our Web site.