Freckle Face Farm
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Freckle Face Farm is a small diversified family farm located outside of Searcy. Our goal is to raise nutritionally dense food through sustainable practices that are good for the animals as well as the land. We desire to know our food from pasture to plate whether it is a pork chop or an ear of corn. By building relationships with our customers we hope to rebuild community that has been lost with the evolution of “big ag”. We want be transparent in our practices and accountable for our finished product.
The “we” in Freckle Face Farm is the Latture family consisting of Mitchell, Jami and our seven freckle-face kids, with invaluable help from Papa. We feel that livestock should be raised in low stress surroundings in which their needs are met and they are allowed to grow in a natural environment. The pigs can root, the chickens can forage and the cows can graze.
We have available pork by the piece, half, or whole hog. These hogs are pastured, heritage, Gloucestershire Old Spots and Tamworth/Old Spots crosses.